Purchasing a property is a significant undertaking. One crucial step in the process that should not be overlooked is the pre-settlement inspection. This involves the buyer inspecting the property just prior to completing the purchase. In this article, we explore the...
Common misconceptions about estate planning
An estate plan involves more than signing a Will and leaving it in a safe place. An effective estate plan requires consideration of several matters and ongoing review to ensure it reflects your testamentary wishes and covers unexpected events. In this article we look...
First steps after separation – some practical considerations
The breakdown of a relationship, whether by choice or circumstance, can be complex and challenging. In Australia, the Family Law Act 1975 sets out the legal framework for divorce, the division of property and parenting arrangements after a relationship breaks down. An...
Family Law Amendment Act 2023: A Guide for Parents Navigating Parenting Changes in 2024
The Family Law Amendment Act 2023, effective from May 6, 2024, introduces major updates to Australia’s family law, affecting how the Federal Circuit and Family Court approach parenting matters. This guide outlines what separated or divorcing parents should know about...
Women in Law Awards 2024: Press Release
Why it is vital to have an Enduring Power of Attorney!
Professional Estate Lawyers on Brisbane’s Northside It is often stated that an Enduring Power of Attorney is one of the most important documents to have when you are alive. A will is a document that comes into effect when you die. However, what happens when you are...
Division of property after short relationship
Professional Family Lawyers on Brisbane’s Northside When all items of property are known and the values of all property calculated, property is divided between the parties in certain proportions. The proportion each party receives depends on how much they have...
What to do when a break up occurs! Brisbane’s Family Lawyers
Separated, what next? People do not necessarily realise the first steps to take that when they break up from their spouse or partner in terms of how to sort out the property and their parenting matters. “ This can often be one of the most difficult and stressful times...
Brisbane Family Law: Division of Property & Quick Tips from Separation Lawyers
The division of property after separation can be particularly stressful and difficult territory to navigate. It is important to know your legal rights and find out what you are entitled too. You may need to get some preliminary legal advice in order to know what is...
Property Division: Not All Contributions Are Financial
This blog will explain how non-finanical contributions are dealt with by the Courts when a relationship ends. If you live in north Brisbane or surrounds and are in search of lawyers that practice fmaily law and can assist with property divisions read on to find out...